商朝年期,紂王沉迷美色,施行暴政,令民間苦不堪言。一天,民女妲己突感不適,肚痛難當,其父尋遍名醫皆束手無策。一名道士經過發現該地陰氣大盛,發現坦 己原來被狐妖所侵,於是出手相救,惜最後都不敵妖孽。妲己其後竟不藥而癒並外出遊玩,期間巧遇外巡的紂王。紀王發現妲己美若天仙,於是淫心大作,強擄她回 日並日夜淫虐。妃己及後出手幹預朝政,勾引朝廷名官,令商朝一厥不振,漸步入滅亡之路 …… Towards the end of the Shang Dynasty (about 1000B.C.) Emperor Zhou was given over to drinking, women and a lack of morals, preferring these to the proper governance of the country, and ignor...
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